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Beginner Guide To Learn SEO

Beginner Guide To Learn SEO

In this Beginner SEO guide, you’ll learn the basics of SEO so that you can quickly increase rankings, traffic and sell more RV’s fast!

Don’t worry, you don’t need to be a tech guru. We’ll start at the beginning and have you caught up to speed fast.

Want to increase organic traffic 43% in four months? Continue reading this guide…

This is the first chapter in an 8-chapter series to help you learn SEO fast.

learn seo rv dealer process

Chapter 1: Beginners Guide To SEO

In this chapter we are going to go over:

  1. How Google Search Works
  2. What is SEO
  3. Benefits of SEO
  4. How To Get Started With SEO
  5. Should you hire a SEO company?

What Does SEO Mean?

“SEO is an acronym that stands for Search Engine Optimization”

Search Engine Optimization Meaning:

“SEO is the process of increasing your organic (non-PPC) rankings in search engines.”

Yep, there is a process involved in getting your website to rank #1 in Google and this guide will show you how.

How Google’s Search Result Page Is Structured: 

SEO vs PPC search result layout

Google’s search result page is broken down into four main sections:

  1. PPC – or Ads
  2. Maps – Local Businesses (if applicable)
  3. Organic search results
  4. Related Keywords

This SEO guide will help you not only with your organic SEO rankings, but also with your local SEO (Google maps listing).

How Google SEO Works

Now that we know what SEO is, let’s look at how Google Search works.
Here is Matt Cutts, the senior engineer at Google describing how Google search works and what they look for:

Here’s Google Ranking Requirements Summed Up

  • Does your keyword appear in the title?
  • Is your keyword in the URL?
  • Is the keyword in the text of the page?
  • Are their synonyms and closely related keywords of your main keyword?
  • Is this a high-quality page with tons of content, images, and media?  (Providing a good user experience & value)
  • How many outside links point to your page and what is the quality of those links? (also known as a backlink)

This eight-chapter guide will walk you through the technical side of each one of these Google requirements and how you can benefit from them to drive more traffic and sales to your RV Dealership.
As there are numerous avenues to drive traffic to your dealership, here are the benefits of SEO.

Benefits of SEO

The purpose of SEO for your RV Dealership is to put your website in front of RV buyers no matter where they are in the buying process.
Ranking organically in search engines is one of the best avenues to help your RV Dealership build a huge baseline of recurring organic (non-PPC) traffic.
How much traffic can SEO generate?
Here is a graphic of a common breakdown of the top traffic channels for an RV Dealer when SEO is set up correctly.

Benefits of SEO RV Dealers

This RV dealer website had over 12,000 unique visitors in a 30 day period. With over 7,000 visitors coming from organic search results.
This is huge!
Now if your website doesn’t rank organically in search engines, think about how much traffic and sales you are losing!

What’s the biggest benefits of organic traffic?

  1. It CAN’T be turned off instantly! Organic traffic is residual monthly traffic and it’s the second-best type of traffic to get other than your client list.
  2. On top of that, the more pages that you create, the more recurring traffic you will generate.
  3. You are creating something once and getting value & sales from it month after month, year after year.
  4. Once you create all of these pages, you are able to share them over and over on social media.
  5. After the pages are created, it’s easy to update them over time and repost on social media.

This is the power of SEO and internet marketing!

traffic growth seo rv dealers

Other than organic traffic to your business, another popular avenue of traffic generation is through Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns like Google PPC, Facebook Ads etc.

Here is a link to an article that goes over the benefits of organic SEO vs PPC traffic.

In short, the biggest difference between PPC traffic and organic search engine traffic is that with PPC campaigns, you are able to drive instant traffic to your site instead of having to wait for that page to rank organically.

The downside with PPC is that it can be really expensive, and it’s proven to have lower conversion rates compared to ranking organically.
Check out the link above to read more into the benefits of PPC vs SEO.

How to implement SEO onto your website fast

Now that you know the benefits of SEO, here’s what to do: 

Use A Proven SEO System

Ultimately, the purpose of everything is to sell more RV’s.
In order to do that there five main tasks that you will need to do in order to create the perfect SEO system.

  1. Keyword Research
  2. Content and Media Creation
  3. On-page SEO
  4. Off-page SEO – link building and reputation management
  5. Local SEO

Ultimately what we are doing is creating a huge list of keywords separated out by where the customer is in the buying cycle. Here’s how to start keyword research.

RV Dealer Keyword Research

Keyword research is the starting point for internet marketing.
What is keyword research? Keyword research quickly helps you identify the most popular topics that your prospects are searching for.
(## insert pic of user icon with bubble and keyword phrase and a pic of search result

SEO Keyword Research Tools:

There are a ton of incredible paid tools for keyword research, like: Moz, Semrush and ahrefs.
These tools can be pretty expensive as they have a monthly subscription but can be really worth it if you want to become the top RV dealer in your area.

Free Keyword Research Tools:

The two biggest FREE keyword research tools are Google Keyword Planner and Ubersuggest.

The Google keyword planner is the tool that coincides with Google Adwords software, so you will need an account there.

Ubersuggest has been recently redeveloped into an incredibly free keyword tool where you can start to build out your keyword list for implementing content on your site. Signing up with a Google account will allow you to get more detailed info. And all for free!

Once you’ve created a master list of the keywords that your prospects are searching for, you need to create a page on your site with content, images, and media on that topic.
For example, here are a couple of pages on your RV dealer website that you should have:

  • A page for each RV class type that you sell (new and used)
  • A page for each RV Brands that you sell
  • A page of all the RV manufacturers that you sell
  • Local RVing locations – this is the passive income side
  • A blog category for all RV shows in your state
  • Financing information
  • How-to tutorials – Create a page for each RV service and top RV parts that you want to promote.

By doing this, your business will become a great resource for users and generate tons of residual organic traffic and sales. That’s where the huge value of SEO comes to play.

Should you hire a SEO company?

Hiring an SEO company for your RV dealership largely depends on a couple different factors:

  1. Corporate structure for implementing systems
  2. The amount of time you have to learn and implement
  3. The amount of money your dealership has allocated for internet marketing

Corporate structure:

If your company has a dedicated website manager on staff, then it may be a great idea to have them walk through this SEO guide to learn how to implement SEO for your dealership.

At the very least, they will learn how to create content, images and other media to separate your dealership from your competitors.

If you don’t have a dedicated website manager, then it may be a good idea to hire an SEO company to come alongside you to get everything going. Many times, hiring an SEO company is cheaper than employee costs.

Time and Money Allocation

We get it, everything is moving really fast within the walls of an RV dealership and most staff members have a full load already.

If this is the case for your dealership, it may be hard to assign additional tasks to your team without having the quality of their work start to slip.

Hiring and SEO company may be the perfect fit in this case. An SEO company can come alongside your website manager to help with the implementation of content and marketing promotions.
See our blog post on the full details behind if you should hire an seo company here.


In this article we covered a lot of beginner  SEO information to get you caught up to speed. From: How Google Search Works, What is SEO, Benefits of SEO, How To Get Started With SEO and Should you hire a SEO company.

In our next article we are going to cover the customer buying cycle. If you have any questions the basics of SEO,  please leave a comment below.

1 Comment

Amazing article on SEO. The section that went over the keyword research tools along with the outline of what pages I should have on my site was perfect for me to build off of. I can see that my site doesn’t have some of them, so it will be nice to start creating them. Thanks

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